Stap 1 van 9

  • Vragenlijst

  • Op dit moment bent u bezig met de voorbereidingen voor uw scheiding. Dit is een belangrijke, emotionele en uitdagende overgang voor u en uw familie. De leden van de VvCP adviseren u graag over de mogelijkheden van extra ondersteuning om deze overgang op de best mogelijke manier te laten verlopen. Met behoud van familiebanden, financiële middelen en kwaliteit van wonen. Er zijn verschillende manieren om te scheiden. De manier van scheiden bepaalt de aard en het tempo van uw scheiding. Om advies aan u te kunnen geven verzoeken wij u vriendelijk om de vragen in onze vragenlijst te beantwoorden. Gelieve niet te veel na te denken over de antwoorden, maar in plaats daarvan het eerste antwoord te kiezen dat bij u opkomt. Uit een schaal van 1 tot 10 kunt u het antwoord kiezen welk cijfer het beste bij uw huidige situatie past.

Speakers, May 28, 2024 - Workshops Room 1 Belle van Zuylenzaal

Ursula Anna Mayerthaler Veerhoek

Ursula is active in Collaborative Law Practice as family and children specialist and mediation in Switzerland.

Tina Münzenmaier

I have been working in various socio-educational institutions since 1997, with delinquent young men, children with behavioral difficulties, as a socio-educational family counselor and as a head of a family counseling center. I have been counseling families and parents in separation and divorce since 2021 in my own practice.

Christoph Leon
After many years of successful work as a name partner at FIEBINGER POLAK LEON, I have personally dedicated myself to providing holistic legal advice and support to my entrepreneurial clients since 2016.
Matthias Klissenbauer

„Matthias Klissenbauer was born in Vienna. He studied law at the University of Vienna and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and completed his doctorate in European law. He has been working as an independent lawyer in Vienna since 2006 and specialises primarily in insolvency law, real estate law and commercial law and also acts as a court-appointed insolvency administrator. He completed his training as a CL-lawyer in 2017.

William Hogg

William brings over 40 years of experience in handling high-conflict family issues, including undertaking child mediation, for which he has specialist accreditation. William is an experienced and highly trained Collaborative lawyer and Mediator and in most of his family cases, William is able to use his mediation skills to negotiate agreements out of court, adopting a sensible and pragmatic approach from the start.

Rosa Telders

Rosa is an experienced professional seeking to contribute intercultural expertise to professionals, fostering effective communication in diverse and international settings.

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