Stap 1 van 9

  • Vragenlijst

  • Op dit moment bent u bezig met de voorbereidingen voor uw scheiding. Dit is een belangrijke, emotionele en uitdagende overgang voor u en uw familie. De leden van de VvCP adviseren u graag over de mogelijkheden van extra ondersteuning om deze overgang op de best mogelijke manier te laten verlopen. Met behoud van familiebanden, financiële middelen en kwaliteit van wonen. Er zijn verschillende manieren om te scheiden. De manier van scheiden bepaalt de aard en het tempo van uw scheiding. Om advies aan u te kunnen geven verzoeken wij u vriendelijk om de vragen in onze vragenlijst te beantwoorden. Gelieve niet te veel na te denken over de antwoorden, maar in plaats daarvan het eerste antwoord te kiezen dat bij u opkomt. Uit een schaal van 1 tot 10 kunt u het antwoord kiezen welk cijfer het beste bij uw huidige situatie past.

Speakers May 28, 2024 - Workshops Room 2 - Johanna Westerdijkkamer

Kayin Hopstaken - Mui

Kayin Hopstaken-Mui is an educational and developmental psychologist with a specialization in learning and performance. In her work she teaches her clients how to understand and adjust their behaviour with the goal to grow and reconnect with themselves.

She provides training and coaching on topics as nonviolent/compassionate communication, emotion management and boundary-setting. Kayin also works closely with the Association of Family Lawyers and Divorce Mediators (vFAS) and The Netherlands Bar (NOvA) as an intervision supervisor and skills teacher.

Arlette van Maas de Bie

Arlette van Maas de Bie studied in Germany (Universität Osnabrück) and the Netherlands (Leiden University) and obtained her PhD on international divorces and divorce consequences. She currently works from her own office. Arlette published several works on various topics in the field of national and international personal and family law and inheritance law, including books and articles.

In addition to her lawyer/mediation practice, she works as a coach/gestalt therapist. Clients experience her as soothing, decisive, supportive in the process of processing what wanted to be processed.

Gert-Jan Hoitink

After studying law in Leiden, Gert-Jan Hoitink worked as a judicial officer and for many years in the legal profession and legal aid. In search of a form of conflict resolution based on connection, he became a partner at Mediation Plus 20 years ago and later as a partner at Reset Partner. In that capacity, he has trained and guided professionals (lawyers, judges, medical specialists, mediators) in communication, emotion management and conflicts, as well as team days and intervision meetings (vFas).

He currently guides people (professionals, families, relationships) and organizations from his own practice to connection, harmony and zest for life. Clients experience his programs as magical and life-changing.

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